“‘Laugh and fear not, creatures. Now that you are no longer dum and witless, you need not always be grave. For jokes as well as justice come in with speech.’
What is the tone of of Japanese music thatcher mr suzuki .thougt of a unique method of teaching the violin to very young children plz answer this it is for 15 marks plz
The correct answer is: A dangling modifier.
Modifiers help us add more detail about our thoughts and sentences. "She spoke quickly when she saw her mother". Here, the word <em>quickly</em> is a modifier, modifying the word <em>spoke</em>. It goves more information about how someone spoke (an adverb modifying a verb).
A dangling modifier is usually placed at the beginning of a sentence, although we can also put it at the end of a sentence.
<em>Walking on the road</em><em>, a plane flew over the sky</em>. In this sentence, we don't know who was walking on the road, so the modifier <em>walking on the road </em>doesn't have anything to modify.
an Italian sonnet in English ends with a couplet
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