From the tragedy play by William Shakespeare "Romeo and J u li et", Act IV scene v .
The lines given in the question are spoken by the Nurse. Act IV scene v of the play shows the nurse lamenting over the "death" of Jul iet, who had seemingly faked her de ath so that she won't have to marry Paris and betray her already married husband and love Romeo.
Romeo and Ju li et, being family foes for decades, know they cannot be together with the blessings of their respective families so they thought of a plan to stay together. The plan was to fake Jul i et's death so that Romeo will steal her corp se and they'll run away to a far place. By taking po is on that'll make her sleep, thus a momentary de ath, she tries to elude the marriage with Paris. It was this scene of the discovery of her death that led the nurse and her family members to mourn her, with Lady Capulet claiming "<em>deat h</em>" is her "<em>son -in - law</em>".
Answer: Williams compares the world after the war to a dying landscape. Through a number of metaphors, the poet describes the terrible consequences of the war.
<em>"Spring and All"</em> is a poem by William Carlos Williams (1883 – 1963). In order to understand the poem, it is important to note that it was written towards the end of World War I. The world still suffered the consequences of the war, and was slowly recovering.
That being said, the poet uses a number of metaphors to both describe the terrible consequences of war, and yet leave the readers hopeful about the future. At the beginning of the poem, Williams describes a road which leads to a "contagious hospital", and the dying landscape by the road. There are bushes that have become twigs and muddy fields. The adjectives that Williams uses to describe the landscape serve as a metaphor for the state of the world at the end of the war:
<em>"....small trees
<em>with</em><em> dead, brown leaves </em><em>under them
<em>leafless vines</em><em>."</em>
Just like the nature, the world as people knew it before the war has also become unrecognizable. However, there is a change of tone at the end of the poem. Williams announces the beginning of spring, which will bring life. There is a promise of a better future that will come after the war.
Some of the consequences if African Americans did not comply with the Jim Crow laws could be severe. If African Americans disobeyed Jim Crow laws could face fines, arrest, spent time in prison, aggression from white people and the police that sometimes could mean the death of the African American people.
One example could be the way African American people were treated during the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955-1956.
Let's remember that this Jim Crow law severely impacted the lives of black people in the South because this racist legislation denied access to quality education, restricted their right to vote, and African Americans had poor public facilities.