Maybe try looking it up or ask ur teacher for help
Untreated meningitis can lead to coma and disabilities, such as deafness, speech impairment, brain damage, blindness and paralysis.
The effect of social media on democracy is changing the public mindset about political parties.
- Social media is a platform that reflects the core of society.
- It gives more people a voice and a chance to discuss the issue and to be heard.
- social media can reach easily to the public and spreads all the information about the particular topic.
- It is one advantage of democracy.
- The disadvantage is it changes the people's mindset and it can reflect during the election pool.
- There are many examples of this disadvantage.
- These platforms are terrific for democracy.
Answer & Explanation :
A dialectical tension is opposition / contradiction in behaviour of a couple.
Oppositions are antonym of each others, act as cancelation or undo to each other. They are mutually exclusive & mutually exhaustive. They can be related to their internal, external conflicting issues.
Examples :
- Openness v/s non openness
- Connection v/s autonomy
- Dominance v/s submissiveness
- Predictability v/s Novelty
- Integration v/s Seperation
- Expression v/s Privacy
- Stability v/s Change
Answer: c. Master status
Master status is known to be the position which a person is identified and recognized with. It is a status which a person earns due to the characteristics exhibited by him or her and which affect how people relate with him or her. It is of great significance in the existence of an individual because it makes him or her to be aware, conscious and understand the society in which he or she lives. Furthermore, it has great impact on the social identity of an individual. Thus, master status can be based on sex, religion, race, education, age, position and so on.