Write a program that will sort an array of data using the following guidelines - DO NOT USE VECTORS, COLLECTIONS, SETS or any ot
her data structures from your programming language. C++
Ask the user for the number of elements, not to exceed SORT_MAX_SIZE = 16 (put appropriate input validation)
Ask the user for the type of data they will enter - Dollar or CIS22C_Dollar objects from Lab 1.
Use your Dollar and CIS22C_Dollar classes from Lab 1 as-is without making any changes. If you do make changes to be able to complete this lab, then there will be a small penalty.
Based on the input, create an appropriate array for the data to be entered.
Write a helper function called RecurMergeSort such that: It is a standalone function not part of any class of Lab 1, Takes in the same type of parameters as any standard MergeSort with recursion behavior, i.e. void MergeSort(Dollar arr[], int size) Prints out how the array looks every time a recursive step returns back to its caller You might need to pass in a third parameter which identifies the array to be printed - this is language dependent.
In your main, allow the user to enter data of their own choosing up to their chosen array size. There is no sample output - you are allowed to provide user interactivity as you see fit but programs will be graded for clarity of interaction.
Then sort the array using your sort function of step 5.
Take screenshots to be uploaded with the project. In your main, make sure that the output is being written to console as well as an output file at the same time.
Do not copy and paste text from your console to create the output file.
Ensure input and any other data validations as needed and provide descriptive prompts with emphasis on usability. Upload your classes from Lab 1 and new code files for Lab 3, output file and the screenshots in one zip file.
The Dollar and CISDOLLAR class are as follows:
class Dollar // Dollar class
int noteValue;
int coinValue;
string currencyName;
Dollar() {}; // default constructor
Dollar(int note, int coin) { // parameterized constructor
noteValue = note;
coinValue = coin;
~Dollar() { // copy constructor
// setters and getters.
int getNoteValue() {
return noteValue;
void setNoteValue(int x) {
noteValue = x;
int getCoinValue() {
return coinValue;
void setCoinValue(int x) {
coinValue = x;
Dollar operator +(Dollar obj) {
Dollar obj2;
obj2.noteValue = noteValue + obj.noteValue;
obj2.coinValue = coinValue + obj.coinValue;
return obj2;
Dollar operator -(Dollar obj) {
Dollar obj2;
obj2.noteValue = this->noteValue - obj.noteValue;
obj2.coinValue = this->coinValue - obj.coinValue;
return obj2;
bool operator ==(Dollar obj) {
if ((this->noteValue == obj.noteValue) && (this->coinValue == obj.coinValue))
return true;
return false;
double dollarToCsdollar(int note, int coin) // converter from Dollar to CIS22CDollar
double amount = (note + coin * 0.01);
return amount * 1.36;
double dollarAmount(int note, int coin) //Total calculator for Dollar
cout << "Dollars:" << (note + coin * 0.01);
return (note + coin * 0.01);
class CIS22CDollar :public Dollar { // CIS22CDollar class, derived from Dollar Class;
int noteValue;
int coinValue;
double conversionFactor;
double convertTo22C()
conversionFactor = 1.36;
return conversionFactor;
double convertToDollar() {
conversionFactor = 0.74;
return conversionFactor;
CIS22CDollar() {}; //default constructor
CIS22CDollar(int note, int coin) { // parameterized constructor
noteValue = note;
coinValue = coin;
~CIS22CDollar() {}; // copy constructor
// Setters and getters.
int getNoteValue() {
return noteValue;
void setNoteValue(int x) {
noteValue = x;
int getCoinValue() {
return coinValue;
void setCoinValue(int y) {
coinValue = y;
double conversionToDollar(int note, int coin) { // converter to DOLLAR class
double amount = (note + coin * 0.001);
return amount * 0.74;
double cisDollarAmount(int note, int coin) { // total number of cents which is used later in code.
(note + coin * 0.01);
Answer:You can only find REaccuracy if you know the actual “true” measurement… something that's difficult to do unless you're measuring against the atomic clock. The formula is: REaccuracy = (Absolute error / “True” value) * 100%.
Young investors have the single most valuable resource on their side—time. Compound interest and dividend reinvestment are proven methods of building long-term wealth.
A Java constructor is special method that is called when an object is instantiated. In other words, when you use the new keyword. The constructor initializes the newly created object.