Answer: Time division multiplexing
Explanation: because a slot is equivalent to 125ms
And each position inside a slot is for each signal and a single bit frim each voice conversation is sent during each 125ms slot
// program in Python to check perfect number
#function to find number is perfect or not
def is_Perfect_Number(n):
#total variable
tot = 1
i = 2
#sum of all divisor of number
while i*i<=n:
if n%i==0:
tot = tot + i + n/i
if tot == n and n != 1:
return 1
i = i+1
return 0
#read until user enter a perfect number
while True:
#read integer
num = int(input("Input an integer: "))
#call the function
print(num,"is perfect number")
#if perfect number break
print(num,"is not a perfect number")
#ask again
print("try again.")
Read number from user and then call the function is_Perfect_Number() with parameter "num".This will find the sum of all divisor of number.If sum is equal to number then it will return 1 else return 0.If the number is not perfect then it will again ask to enter a number until user enter a perfect number.
Input an integer: 24
24 is not a perfect number
try again.
Input an integer: 28
28 is perfect number
A subroutine is a block of statements that carries out one or more tasks. ... they share all variables with the rest of the main program. ... Once you have defined a function in your program, you may use it in any appropriate expression, such as: ... Thus, functions can- not change the values of the arguments passed to them.
Threat disgruntled employees
This is a type's threat in a network, why disgruntled employees is a threat?
Because disgruntled employees can implement a plant to damage a company's system when an IT employee be fired.
I t can be difficult to try to protect a system of these threats, Traditionally companies can wait for the less damage, then delete those credentials.
In cloud computing we have IDaaS, where an external company administers the company's credentials, is harder to damage the system in this way.