They have longer periods of revolution.
C.) crystalline solids
The solid materials may be crystalline or amorphous. The concept of crystal structure is related to the organization of atoms in a geometrical form. Crystalline structures are present in various materials, where atoms distributed within their structure form a network called the crystalline lattice. Therefore, crystalline structures have salts, metals and most minerals. Crystalline structures are formed by unit cells that are their basic unit, as they constitute the smallest set of associated atoms found in a crystalline structure.
The molecules of the crystalline structures can have two types of bonds, the directional ones, which include the covalent and dipole dipole and the non-directional ones where the metallic, ionic, van der Walls bonds. When formed by ionic compounds, these crystalline structures can result in crystalline solids.
a. significantly lesser
The density of protists living in the hay infusion is significantly lesser than the regular pond water because protists likes to live in aquatic or any water bodies. Some protists float on the surface of the water making their own food like plants by using the process of photosynthesis. Aquatic environments are ideal environment for protists, which have cilia and flagella that allows them to move in the water in search of food..
Toxic Algae Blooms
Floodwater deposits a large amount of sediment. excess nutrients promote the growth of algae is a cause of eutrophication.