fab room really neatly done!!!
A contradiction means like the opposite. At first he didn't like it. B says that he did like it so I would choose answer B.
pepsi and bubbles
pepsi was originally made as a toilet cleaner
Answer: C. an independent clause (A. a coordinating conjunction) Explanation: Although nothing is underlined, I think the question stiil can be answered. But first, a quick revision. Independent clause is the one that conveys a complete thought and contains enough information to stand on its own. On the othet hand, dependent clause can only express a meaning if it is linked to an independent clause via the subordinating conjunction. In our sentence, both clauses, "The harsh wind scoured the scant remaining leaves from the trees" and "A desolate landscape remained in its wake" are independent clauses and as such they are linked together via a coordinating conjunction "and". So, if any of these two clauses is underlined then the correct answer is "independent clause". However, if the conjunction "and" is underlined, then the answer is "coordinating conjunction".
Well, I think, the main point that makes the difference between "Mending Wall" and “The Purple Cow” is actually demonstrated by the rhyme. Just read each poem one more time and feel that one of them is readed easily, words matched with each other like a song's lyrics so that you can smoothly go on reading whereas "Mending Wall" is made with structure of blank verse that emphasises every line and makes reader feel it deeply.