From her comments, it is clear that Catalina has a "mastery goal".
Mastery goal is the point at which you set out to wind up as well as can be expected be at a solitary task.Behavioral Researchers have discovered that authority objectives are more viable on the grounds that your fulfillment isn't identified with outside markers. Therefore you're less well-suited to surrender in troublesome conditions, and you endure through difficulties.
At present, when democracy is spoken of as a form of social organization, it is generally understood as the most fair for the majority, so that in practice it should be the most beneficial for a society, and in this way progress could be made. Towards a better state. But what happens in countries where there is no real democracy as it is in Cuba, China, as well as some Arab countries where the form of government is rather authoritarian? Probably in those nations the idea of how to achieve that "it is better for the people" is different from what is thought in most countries today, or in the case of ancient Greece where democracy was considered one of the worst systems of government. That is why, given that Chile is currently a democratic country, in theory, it is necessary to analyze the true strengths and weaknesses of this way of governing as well as consider the question of really being in a democratic society.
This method for nursing that involves the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative and qualitative research is called ABSTRACT. It contains truth discipline, it discussed the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches like methodologies and collected data, how reliable and valid it is and the ethical dilemmas.
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