The results of new evidences can bring about a change in scientific knowledge
Scientific knowledge is attained when there is experimental and observational confirmation. Scientific knowledge may also be subjected to change due to changes in the technology and the new tactics which are incorporated while observing the experiments.
It is also subjected to change when it involves totally a novel way of thinking and framing questions. When new evidences are observed regarding an experiment, the result of the experiment may change as a whole.
If a country is not able to produce some goods, it has to buy them somewhere else and bring them into the country - this is called importing, so the correct answer is b.
Selling goods outside of the country is called exporting and giving them away would be called donating.
Hello! Dilation is one of three periods in which labor is divided. The woman begins to feel contractions, and the process ends when the dilation reaches 9-10 centimeters and the baby appears outside (what doctors call "crown"). That is when the expulsion period begins.
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First of all, you need to know what the term skin flora refers to. Skin flora refers to various bacteria and microbes which live on our bodies or inside of them. They are found all over our bodies, however, there are particular areas where their concentration is higher. For example, this is the case with hands, perineal area, groin, armpits, trunk, and arms.
Gatekeeping is both decreasing and increasing at it's own specific rate due to political democracy.