Calculation to rank the products in the order in which they should be emphasized
Selling price per unit
$ 344.85 $ 415.40 $ 119.32
Less:Variable cost per unit
$ 270.18 $ 310.88 $ 91.96
Contribution per unit
$74.67 $104.52 $27.36
÷Minutes on the constraint 5.70 6.70 1.90
=Contribution per minut
$13.10 $15.60 $14.40
VD $13.10 Third
JT $15.60 First
SM $14.40 Second
Therefore the product will be rank from the highest to the lowest which is JT, SM, VD
1. To reduce the company's tax bill, Jack uses total cost to value inventory instead of using product cost as required by law.
- Competence: accounting records must follows applicable laws, regulations and standards, you must IRA and GAAP rules when preparing financial statements and tax reports.
2. Since Emilie works in the accounting department, she is aware that profits are going to fall short of analysts' projections. She tells her aunt to sell stock in the company before the earnings release date.
- Confidentiality: accounting records must b confidential unless you are authorized to disclose them, and you are not authorized to disclose the information to your aunt.
3. Veronica pays a Mexican official a bribe of $50,000 to allow the company to locate a factory in that jurisdiction so that the company can take advantage of the cheaper labor costs. Without the bribe, the factory cannot be located in that location.
- Integrity: you must abstain from performing illegal activities, and bribery is illegal.
4. There is a failure in the company's backup system after a system crash. Month-end reports will be delayed. Kayla, the manager of the division experiencing the system failure, does not report this upcoming delay to anyone since she does not want to be the bearer of bad news.
- Credibility: you must report all relevant and important information regardless of whether that information will make you bad or not.
The bad debts expense signifies the straight write off of
the bad accounts which is the $20,000 along with an increase in the allowance which
is an approximation of the bad accounts to be written off in the future which
is the $3,000. The growth in the allowance account cannot be subtracted.
The gradual decrease in the value of natural resource is called depletion. The deplection expense is calculated on the cost net off salvage value.

Therefore, Depletion expense per ton of ore would be $0.64 per ton of ore.