Agregue "does" al comienzo de la oración si el verbo es tiempo presente. Verifica si el tema de tu oración es singular. Luego, asegúrese de que el verbo esté en tiempo presente. Si ambas cosas son ciertas, agregue la palabra "does" al comienzo de la oración para convertirla en una pregunta.
<span>The central government could provide forces to help the Georgians in case the Indians attacked any of their settlements. In addition, the government could help to forge treaties with the Natives to make sure all the lands and their boundaries were respected.</span>
Kinetic energy is the energy the body possesses due to its motion. Kinetic energy is a kind of mechanical energy, as well as potential energy. All bodies that move linearly or rotate possess a certain kinetic energy.
Potential energy is the energy that an object has due to its position relative to another object. When we stand on the top of the building, we have more potential energy than when we are at the bottom, because the earth is attracted by the force of gravity.
When the body falls, it at the beginning of the fall has potential energy due to the force of gravity, and therefore falls, and then the potential energy turns into a kinetic, because the body moves in the fall.
When we kick the ball upwards, it moves upward, because it has kinetic energy, until it stops at one point, since there is no kinetic energy of motion, and only at that moment the kinetic energy turns into a potential, at that moment the ball is stopped, until it starts to fall again.
Correct answers are II. and III.