Hey man/girl, I would love to help you, but I cant when we cant hear what its saying, so therefore we cant help you unless you somehow post a recording of how it sounds so we can tell you the answer, I'd be happy to help, just post a recording or send a message of the recording so I can tell you the answer
You basically say the numbers in Spanish but while using despues,antes,son las(beginning of sentence) here il show an example ex. son las Cinco con quince.. although con means with some people do talk like that. translation: it's 5 with 15 ... yes I know it does sound weird in english but not all spanish is alike .... I hope this helped you the slightest bit ... I'm Spanish and this is also confusing to me so good look and do your best
The answer is Son. Son las cuatro y media de la tarde.
It means a skilled horseman reputed to be brave and unruly