<span>Many living things can be traced back to sunlight because plants uses sunlightfor energy, animals eats that plant getting that energy, than a human eats that<span>animal getting all the energy.</span></span>
Both women and men can be victim to abuse because not only one gender does the abuse both female and male is capable of abuse in many different ways such as physically emotionally and mentally abuse . Theres no better person when it comes to abuse but people should know when its self defence or abuse cause most people get the two mixed up . Abuse only happens when one partner or the other has low self esteem and always wants things to go their way and never have the time to think about the other partners feelings , because they believe that if they abuse the person it will help release stress and make them feel better about themselves when in actual effect that makes them a victim in many different ways . Abuse is not the way to life .
Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York.
Is it better for a man to work and a woman to stay at home? Women and men were asked this question in the GSS 2010 file. Investigate the relationship between marital status (MARITAL) and responses to this question (Polviews). Have SPSS calculate the Chi-square by clicking on analyze, Descriptive Statistics, and Cross tabs, then on the Statistics button click on chi-square in the upper left corner and then click continue and then okay. Based on your chi-square are the results statistically significant?a. yes
b. noExplain.
A chi square (χ2) statistic is a test that measures how expectations compare to actual observed data (or model results). The data in question used in calculating a chi square statistic must have the following characteristics:
-mutually exclusive,
-drawn from independent variables,
-gotten from a large enough sample
SPSS stands for Statistical Package for Social Sciences, this is used to perform statistical analysis. It is used used by research to analyze data with various tools.
The Chi square is important becuase it can be used to test the hypothesis and see if the expected data is correlating with the actual oberved
Option 2
Water is more susceptible to heat