<title>first term 9/<title>
<h1>maths formula</h1>
<h1>list of exams<\h1>
The answer is "Option C"
VPN reflects virtual private networking, providing secure networking and strong links between private networks. It helps us to use remote machines, that are like on the same local site, and we use VPN to reach the hospital website. And other choices which could be listed as follows that is not correct:
- In option A, WAN represents a wide area network, it's used to connect computers through networking, that's why it's not correct.
- In option B, LAN stands for local area network, it shares a common line or wireless links for communication, that's why it is not correct.
- In option D, FOV stands for field of view that is used for gaming purposes, that's why it is not correct.
To present something infront of a crowd
Means no matter how many processors you use, speed up never increase from 10 times.
If a problem of size W has a serial component Ws,then performance using parallelism:
Using Amdahl's Law:
Tp = (W - Ws )/ N + Ws
Here, Ws = .1,
W - Ws = .9
Performance Tp = (.9 / N) + .1
Speed Up = 1 / ( (.9 / N) + .1)
If N -> infinity, Speed Up <= 10
Means no matter how many processors you use, speed up never increase from 10 times.