The box stopped moving because the force stopped pushing . The average speed of the box would be 5 meters per second
Nucleotides. They are the building blocks of DNA.
Alcohol is a solvent and it basically dissolves anything. A lead is spongy and full of holes. When the leaf is mixed with alcohol, the alcohol affects the leaves. The alcohol melts the pigments of the leaf, chlorophyll, which is the green part. This will turn the alcohol green
The lytic cycle usually takes 30 minutes.
The correct pair is A: "apicomplexans—parasites of animals"
- Euglenophyta is a group of unicellular, eukaryotic organisms. They are small, free-living forms, or parasites that present different feeding mechanisms and behaviors, such as heterotrophy, autotrophy, or mixotrophy.
- Dinoflagellates are unicellular, flagellated, free-living protists that might form colonies. Most of them are autotrophic organisms but some of them are heterotrophic, or mixotrophic. In these last cases, dinoflagellates can feed on other dinoflagellates, protozoans, or diatoms. They can also be parasites.
- Entamoebas are endoparasitic organisms with no mitochondria as an adaptation of living in environments with low oxygen concentration.
- Apicomplexa is a unicellular, protist group. They have medical and economic importance as they are<u> animals</u> and human parasites. They have an apical complex that helps them to fixate to the host cell and release a substance that provokes an invagination in the host membrane. This invagination allows the parasite to get into the host cell.