In order for plants to assimilate nitrogen directly into their system, the nitrogen must be in the form of nitrates. Nitrogen in the air and ammonia from decayed matter in the soil is converted to ammonium by decomposers and nitrogen-fixing bacteria. The ammonium is further nitrified to nitrates by nitrifying bacteria. Finally, the nitrates can then absorbed by the plants.
F . The reasons is mines located in a certain community attracts economic benefits to the people living there . Most noticed Benefit includes employments and infrastructural development.
1590: Jansen was a Dutch spectacle-maker. He continued to the cell theory because he made the microscope that all future scientists used to see cells. Also, he was the first creator of a compound microscope, the accomplishment is dated around 1590. When he invented the microscope it eventually lead to making other inventions used today
1660: Robert Hooke discovered the cell. When Hooke first saw it he called them cells and the name still stuck. He didn't know the real structure or function of the cell when he first discovered it. This helped scientist bc he discovered the basic unit all the other scientist have to just go deeper into his study
1674: He was a Dutch tradesman and scientist, best known for his work on the development and improvement of the microscope. Anton van Leeuwenhoek is another scientist who saw these cells soon after Hooke did. He made use of a microscope improving lenses that could magnify objects even more.
1838: He proved that all living things are composed of cells and cell products. With the help of schleiden they both concluded that plants are made up of cells. This showed that everything was made up up cells which helped prove what the other scientist had to say
1839: Schleiden found that all plants are composed of cells. He also stated that the different parts of the plant organism are composed of cells.This help scientist know that there are more than one type of cells so they will keep trying to find other cells leading them to more information
1855: He stated that not all plants are made up of cells ,which eventually leads to the creation of the cell theory. This lead to many scientist trying to prove which is right and wrong, leading to many more discoveries to come.
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