1.My new assistant can type very well but he hasn’t much experience with computer.
2. I found useful acting website and shared with my friends.
3. I left my bag on the bus therefore I didn’t have a pencil.
4.This is a great opportunity which should not be lost.
5.This soup was too cold therefore I warmed it in the microwave.
Ummmm ummmm ummmm u seem young if u don’t know this ...
The one that is less typical of odes than of other types of poetry is a heavy reliance on rhythm and word sounds
The odes are a kind of poem that presents several characteristics, among the most common ones, are:
* Moderate length.
* Seriousness towards the object they are talking about.
* Elevated style in word choice and stanza pattern.
* Made to praise something or someone.
After taking these characteristics into consideration the only option that is not very common is the reliance on rhythm and word sounds.