Congress has the power to declare war. Most think the President has the power, but Congress makes the final decision.
He described the elliptical orbits of the planets.
A - Selective breeding of highly intelligent people
The Eugenics movement created by Francis Galton believed in selective breeding for positive traits (intelligence) and eliminating negative traits (ignorance) and lost popularity by the 1930s.
C. 7 months
Many Doctors now consider 22 weeks the earliest gestational age when a baby is "viable," or able to survive outside the womb. But this is still extremely premature, and a baby born at this age will need a great deal of medical attention. Even if he/she survives, the risk of permanent disability is very high.
<span>A low flying American jet hit a ski lift cable killing 20 people in Italy. The plane had to make an emergency landing and the crew was safe.</span>