Structural Changes
According to Roberta Lexier, civil disobedience is usually described as "a public, non-violent and conscientious violation of law committed with a view to bringing about change in laws or government policies. "1 As Lexier says, the aims of civil disobedience are" to publicize an unjust law or a just cause.
1939 --- The war begins as Poland falls to Germany.
1940 --- France, Hollband, Belgium, Norway, and Denmark fall to Germany.
Italy enters the war on the Axis side, attacks Great Britain in North Africa, and invades Greece.
German invasion of Great Britain is planned but never occurs.
1941 --- In North Africa, Great Britain pushes Italy back.
Germany invades Russia and reinforces Italy in North Africa.
Japan enters the war on the Axis side, and the US enters the war on the Allied side.
1942 --- War seesaws in North Africa.
Houston rejected the actions of the Texas Secession Convention, believing it had overstepped its authority in becoming a member state of the newly formed Confederacy. He refused to take an oath of allegiance to the Confederacy and was deposed from office.