it is, Cardiovascular
New study says cycling 30 miles per week cuts heart disease and cancer risk in half.
I believe it is Fast-twitch muscle fibers. Slow-twitch fibers are used for people who exercise for a long period of time such as running, swimming, and cycling.
The circulatory system is system in the human body that provides a network through which our blood flows constantly.The human cardiovascular system is considered closed because there are no holes for blood to enter or leave the system. Correct answer: D
In the closed circulatory system the blood stays confined within the vessels and heart.
Hi! I took ServSafe and this was one of our questions (:
It comes from raw and/or undercooked pork. Especially wild animals (game animals of course) that are infected with trichinosis.
Extra facts: Symptoms include - nausea & fatigue, diarrhea & vomiting, accompanied by a fever.
I hope this helps! keep asking questions!! (: