Hardening is the technique of reducing security exposure and tightening security controls of software and network devices.
Security is a major concern, when connecting over a network. Through hardening, security of a network is protected from vulnerable activities. Hardening reduces exposures associated with security and provides tight controls for it.
Hardening is typically a collection of tools and techniques that are used to decrease vulnerability in computer software, applications, network devices and infrastructure. The main goal of hardening is to protect security by identifying and eliminating superfluous programs, applications, permissions and access, which in turn, reduces the chances that attackers and malware will gain access over the network ecosystem.
You can learn more about hardening at
Scan everything for viruses
The process of putting new software on a computer
Windows includes a tool called Microsoft System Information (Msinfo32.exe). This tool gathers information about your computer and displays a comprehensive view of your hardware, system components, and software environment, which you can use to diagnose computer issues.
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