Answer: Option C
Explanation: The given question relates to the concept of time value of money which in simple words states that the value of money decreases over time. The value of a dollar today will be less than tomorrow.
Hence if a card holder gets grace period to pay the interest before the interest accrues than it means he actually gets to pay lower interest that he could have paid before.
Hence from the above we can conclude that the correct option is C.
Yes, it is a binding contract.
A contract is a legal binding agreement between two or more parties at the court of law. The agreement could be in terms of money, services, right or duties between the parties involved.
Since a consent has been reached between the two parties before the judge, Charles would pay the sum in the stipulated manner. The acceptance of the offer of payment by Sandra made it a binding contract for Charles, so he is bound by this service until he pays the full amount to Sandra.
In such a case, the first step for Junior to conduct effective distributive negotiation would be to adequately prepare for it. As he was assigned to promote a bill to allow casino gambling in the state, he should know thoroughly about the pros and cons that involve this activity and also seek to understand the arguments of who is against the bill's approval. Knowing your negotiating adversary will make it much easier to find your flaws and weaknesses so that you can bargain effectively. Junior could at first set up an assembly and then consistently present the positive points, presenting solutions to the opposition's problems and showing relevant points that the opposition did not expect. Some bargains could be the focus on security that these establishments would have, surveillance, the creation of new jobs, the stipulation of the opening hours of the Casino, among others.
extrinsic rewards
Extrinsic rewards are tangible, material and visible rewards. Money, promotions or trophies are examples of extrinsic rewards. For a reward to be considered extrinsic, it must be visible and made public.
For example, during a special ceremony, a golden watch is given to all the employees that have been working for the company during the last 30 years.
a.setting of capital stock prices is the correct answer.
Managerial Decision: Any type of decision about the progress of a firm. These decisions involve establishing a target for growth, hiring or dismissing workers, and selecting what goods to market.
Some of the types of managerial decisions are :
- Individual and Group Decisions.
- Programmed and Nonprogrammed Decisions.
- Routine and Basic Decisions.
- Major and Minor Decisions.
Steps involved in the managerial decision-making process
- To Establish an Objective
- Identifying the Solutions for the identified problem
- gathering and analysis of the important data.
- Implementing the Conclusion.