The effects of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 can be analyzed in three areas of approach.
1) The worst effect of the attacks was the loss of human life. In the attacks, approximately 3,000 people died, who were fulfilling their daily routine in their works, being an immeasurable loss.
2) The economic effect in the US and in the world. The attacks toppled the twin towers of New York, the nation's financial center, directly engaging businesses established there and indirectly across the rest of the country. Stock markets plummeted, jobs were reduced and the impact on GDP was significant. As the world's largest economy, everything that happens in the United States is reflected in the world. Instability has hit all stock exchanges, affecting many businesses and companies around the world.
3) Effect on national sovereignty and the escalation of the fight against terrorism. The September 11 bombing was a turning point in the terrorist escalation, making it the first time the United States was the victim of a major terrorist attack. Capturing and penalizing those responsible was a matter of honor to the country and this only happened in 2011 when Osama Bin Laden was assassinated in Pakistan. Finally, terrorist attacks began to be more frequent in Europe. The US defense system has successfully prevented the protection of the country.
When you compare things, you are looking for what is an analogy. That is a proper comparison of both of them.
Yes, this is true!
You should genereally use sources for anything you say if it's not your original idea - this way you can avoid being accused of plagiarism.
One exception is common knowledge - so you don't have to provide sources for example for what a capital of a certain country is.