The lecture based on nurture will involve a discussion about whether external factors such as the environment, culture, social, etc have affect your grooming and behaviour or not. It does not involve anything biological.
The second lecture will be based on nature where the role of genetics and other biological factors will be discussed. It will shed light on the extent to which biological factors shape human behaviour and personality.
Answer:b. Digital divide
A digital divide refers to how unevenly distributed information and communication technology is between people who come from diffrent groups or backgrounds.
This may occur due to differences in social, geographic or socioeconomic backgrounds.Digital divide refers to a gap in how people access the current technological Information due to the fact that some have no full access to information and technology communication. Examples are access to technology such as computers , telephones ,internet and television.
Answer: We will be called upon to vote
Information is power. People who are informed while they are and have more dominance have everything they can have more power, and this is something that world leaders know. People at the time of voting should know each of the candidates to make a wiser choice.
It is common to hear people who do not know who they are going to vote for at the time of the elections and this often leads to certain conflicts. Some people decide not to vote and it is a duty that all citizens have to contribute to the improvement of the nation.
When a town is informed, it can distinguish whether the candidate will be able to keep his promises. The vote has power and is much more powerful when the person knows what he is going to do, that is why it is so important to stay informed. It is easy today to be informed, the internet is another one of those resources that most people have on hand and allows them to know almost everything to something or someone.
Not being informed cannot be an excuse for a person not knowing what they will do when they have to vote. When a person wants information and started looking for it, there will be people willing to provide it. Each citizen has the responsibility to know about their vote and how to do the process.
When a person is not informed, it not only affects them when they vote, but they may have difficulties in many areas at the time of taking an action. An example would be that of a person who does not know the time at which the supermarket closes and because it does not know it goes to an hour that is closed and cannot buy what it needs. Another example would be not knowing the time at which public transport crosses and losing it for not being at the right time.
Staying informed is vital in today's society. There is a lot of information and different ways to stay informed.
Poverty. I hope this answer helped you!