Meter is defined as a unit or pattern of a stressed and unstressed syllable that offers rhythm and melody to the poetry or verse. Trochaic Tetrameter exemplifies a meter that includes four trochaic feet. A trochee comprises of one stressed(long) syllable followed by an unstressed(short) syllable. Some examples imitating this meter are as follows where one stressed syllable is followed by an unstressed one:
- "And the Ra<u>ven</u>, ne<u>ver</u> flitt<u>ing</u>, still <u>is</u> sitt<u>ing</u>, still <u>is</u> sit<u>ting
On the pal<u>lid</u> bust <u>of</u> Pal<u>las</u> just <u>a</u>bove <u>my </u>cham<u>ber</u> door;"
(Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Raven')
- "Doub<u>le</u>, doub<u>le</u> toil <u>and</u> troub<u>le</u>;
Fi<u>re</u> burn, <u>and</u> cald<u>ron</u> bub<u>ble</u>."
("Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'")