Socrates and Aristotle are both ancient philosophers. In their work they both taught on the idea of ethics and virtues. The similarity that exists in these teachings is that they believed in existence of virtues and taught their students on what is means to be virtuous only from their different understanding
- Congress set up House of Committer on Un-Acticities to look for Communists both inside and outside the Gov.
- Hollywood executives crated a list of some 500 people they thought werecommunist. These people's names were put on the blacklist
- Congress passed the McCarren Act, whivh outlawed the planning of any action that might lead to a totalitarian dictatorship in the USA.
The price of a floating currency is determined by the currency exchange market while the price of a fixed currency is connected to the price of some other commodity.
The Articles of Confederation were created the way they were because of the way the British government had oppressed the American colonists. Therefore, the Articles of Confederation were structured in a way that allowed the federal government little to no power over taxes or individual states. Each state has its own individual government that created its own laws and printed its own money.