C i think is the right answer
The correct answer is editors, peers, publish
Explanation: To publish a paper there are all these stages of editing, whether it is to be published, or to evaluate what will or will be published. It is in fact a big step towards getting your work published.
UCS = chocolate chip cookies
CS = the smell
UCR = the smell of chocolate cookies
CR = the smell of chocolate chips cookies makes you happier
Classical conditioning has three basic stages. The first stage is before conditioning stage in which the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) produces a unlearned response, also called the unconditioned response (UCR. This response is natural.
The second stage is the "during conditioning stage" and it involves a stimulus producing no response and has an association with the unconditioned stimulus, which now becomes the conditioned stimulus (CS).
The third and final stage is the "after conditioning" stage and in this stage the CS is now associated with the UCS to produce a Conditioned response (CR).
From the example, the Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) is the chocolate chip cookies which produces an unlearned response of cheering you up.
The conditioned stimulus is the smell of the chocolate which is now associated with the UCS to become the CS.
The Unconditioned response is the smell f the chocolate chip cookies, which the conditioned response is the smell of the chocolate chip cookies that makes you happy. The happiness is the conditioned response. You are not used feeling happy once you perceive the smell of chocolate chip cookies.
The answer is to appoint committee members.