The answer to your question would be true. Your welcome
Answer: Gravitational potential energy
Gravitational potential energy is the potential energy a massive has on another heavy object due to gravity acting on both of them. It is also the energy stored in an object based on the position(mostly vertical) of the object.
Jacob's vertical standing position and the weight of the cliff shows they have potential energy.
Answer: The test/procedure that was performed was the One-sided t-test.
The one-sided t-test was performed because they were checking if the average of one variable is larger than the average of the other variable used.
The P-value/margin of error is 3.59609E-07 and the statistical interpretation of this is the value of the P-value was much smaller than 5%. This let the test result conclusive.
The other test that is performed in some of these cases are called the two-sided t-test.
People often have their opinions been challenged several times. A time when I were challenged by a perspective that differed from your own was when i was in the university.
- A lecturer of mine taught us a topic and there was a statement he made that was quite different from what I was taught at home. This is because the topic he was teaching was familiar to me. I decided to raise tell Him my own perspective of what he said during the question and answer time, but he was still adamant that his own deductions were right.
- At first, I was not not happy by his response or perspective. But I have to look at it from another angle. Not Everyone may agree with you or your perspective but that does not mean you or them are wrong.
A change in perspective can result in a big a positive but it also has its own challenges when responding to one's views. Through the act of engaging in different opinions and different ideas, and shifting one's perspective along with others, one can learn.
Learn more about Perspectives from