Hi I just want to tell you that I think it’s the third one
ddNTPs have a hydrogen at 3' position which terminates synthesis of DNA.
ddNTPs is the abbreviated form for dideoxynucleotides triphosphates. They are known as chain elongating inhibitors. The Sanger method is a sequencing technique that is used to increase the number of DNA copies. The DNA synthesis requires magnesium ions, a single-stranded DNA template, oligonucleotide primer, and nucleotide precursors like dATP, dGTP, dTTP, and dCTP. Also, DNA polymerase is required which is an essential component for DNA synthesis.
The Sanger sequencing method is a significant process evident by its use in Human Genome Project which helped scientists in sequencing the human genome. The small sequenced fragments are joined together to form large regions subsequently forming chromosomes.
Learn more about DNA sequencing -
A <span> the long term pattern of weather variations</span>
<span>The moths that are the same color as the trees in their environment thrive over time due to camouflage, and their populations increase.</span>