Compliment him on his acomplishments ( ex ; good grades ) or tell him how he has impacted you in a great way ( ex ; thank you for teaching me... it has changed my life in... and I am proud of you and for shaping me in a great way. )
Id say slight. i think thats the closest word that makes sense
I'm gonna say that the answer is C. They valued perseverance, bravery, and strength. and D. They believed the gods were active in peoples lives.
I hope this helps!
A moral dilemma is shown here
Starting with the last word, <em>perfidy </em>is a deliberate breach of faith or trust; in the context of war - we can assume that this the case because of the word <em>peace</em><em> loving country</em> - perfidy can actually lead to warcrimes, like waving a white flag and then kill the enemy.
So the moral dilemma is that a country is very likely to be uncomfortable with a pact, the other side probably being a bit of a war loving country, but diplomatic relations deny the possibility of breaking the pact.
The part <em>not wishing to take the initiative of breaking the pact </em>is, if I´m not mistaken, a subordinate adjective clause that refers to the noun <em>country</em>.
So this country, not wishing etc., could not resort to perfidy either. Because that would be even worse, considering the fact that it is a peace loving country.
C. uses
Uses is the only word that words in this context. The advertisement isn't keeping anything. It hopefully creates a desire in the consumer to buy a product but it doesn't create a technique. It also does intend to convince buyers but it can't intend a technique either. Techniques are used so this is the most accurate and precise replacement for has.