One-year-old Ainsley who learned the schema for trucks because his family has a truck. When Ainsley sees trucks on television, Ainsley says, "Look mommy, truck!" Whenever she sees trucks on television. This is a typical example or demonstration of assimilation
Assimilation is the procedure of absorbing and fully grasping information or ideas.
Assimilation can further be seen as the steps or procedure of assimilating, or of absorbing information, experiences or something, Or the state of being assimilated, or of being absorbed into something or information
The correct answer is C. Look at the main parts or paragraphs and infer the answer.
When a reading test is being carried out, it is possible to find questions that ask about the text in general, to solve this type of questions it is necessary to understand what each of the parts or paragraphs of the text says and establish the common points of all of them to know a general idea. According to the above, the correct answer is C. Look at the main parts or paragraphs and infer the answer.
The answer is "biopsychosocial perspective".
The biopsychosocial perspective refers to a coordinated way to deal with psychology that joins three alternate points of view and kinds of examination:biological, psychological, and social-cultural. The biopsychosocial approach is a comprehensive way to deal with understanding a person's conduct that credits it to numerous causes as opposed to only one. This viewpoint takes into consideration the way that the collaborations of our body, mind, and our condition all influence each other in various ways.
B Afghanistan is one if the worlds least developed countries