Monarchy is the form of government that serves the interests of royal family members.
Monarchy is the oldest form of government in which, a king or queen is Head of State. As Head of State, the Monarch undertakes constitutional and representational duties. The monarch is an individual ruler who functions as the head of state and who achieves his or her position through heredity.
The concept of the world being flat has extended beyond geographical boundaries to the rapid blurring and demolition of economic ones. Globalisation is not an expansionary mindset anymore and in many cases, a strategic imperative to identify growth opportunities. Organisations are increasingly looking beyond their national markets. E-commerce and the emergence of digital and social marketing practices have led to a level playing field for organisations and customers and have redefined competition. Price wars have become increasingly common. Established brands are increasingly under threat from emerging private label brands.
Given the massive interconnectedness of the business world and emerging models of competition and growth, how can organisations maintain their core underlying brand identity? In addition to competitive market factors, worldwide external shocks like the global recession have also severely impacted businesses at both local and global level. The key question that emerges is that whether there is now a continual need for brands to adapt or face the threat of extinction if they practice consistency.
The answer is ethnicity. However the race is a difficult way of distinguishing human beings based on physical features such as skin color, ethnicity creates differences out of cultural traits and complexes. In addition, cultural geography discovers the connections of culture with space, place, and landscape. The knowledge of a developing, homogenous global culture is based on the insight of a universal Americanization.
The 19th century figure that is known for opening Japan to US trade is :
Mathew Perry
he was a commodore of United States navy that opened japan US Trade
hope this helps
Neuroscience of music about Indonesian music: there are two main scales in Java are slendro and pelog. Slendro is a five-tone scale that very roughly approaches equal-size intervals. The intervals vary within a given scale and across orchestras, but the underlying tuning concept can be considered as a rough five-tone equal temperament (5ET).The musical goal of this selection to express social protest against corruption is to incorporate sléndro/pélog scales to the tones of the melody used as chords changing