answer: if you shine a blue light on a green dress the blue would be reflected
Solar energy provides the reducing power within green leaves to convert CO2 and H2O into sugars. ... During illumination, leaf cells have both a source (respiration) and sink (photosynthesis) for CO2. Respiration in some species appears to be greatly stimulated by light.
A blood sample is taken. I hope this helps! :)
The OECD found that the responsiveness of housing supply to demand in the UK was the weakest among developed countries, due in large part to green belt policies. The green belt concept was first introduced for London in 1938 before the 1947 Town and Country Planning Act enabled local authorities to designate the status themselves. The policy was introduced to contain urban sprawl following huge post-war housing developments, and expanded greatly between 1951 and 1964. Since 1979, the green belt has doubled to cover 13 per cent of land in England (while only 2.3 per cent is covered by buildings).
There would be more prey than predators, as for a predator to have a balanced diet it should have a plentiful supply of food, meaning it needs more prey. You're welcome!