An arterie is a vessel that carries blood away from the heart, and a vein carries blood to the heart
Mark as barinly plzzz :))))
Yes, they are!
While inhabiting marshy areas, the Balaeniceps rex is found to be both a secondary and tertiary consumer preying on fish ranging in size from that of Large Mouth Bass to the small Pacific Herring, and other aquatic organisms such as frogs similar to the Red Eyed Tree Frog
For example, pH can have an effect of the state of ionization of acidic or basic amino acids. Acidic amino acids have carboxyl functional groups in their side chains. Basic amino acids have amine functional groups in their side chains. If the state of ionization of amino acids in a protein is altered then the ionic bonds that help to determine the 3-D shape of the protein can be altered. This can lead to altered protein recognition or an enzyme might become inactive.
Changes in pH may not only affect the shape of an enzyme but it may also change the shape or charge properties of the substrate so that either the substrate connot bind to the active site or it cannot undergo catalysis.
In geneal enzyme have a pH optimum. However the optimum is not the same for each enzyme.
Answer: (c) skeleton
Explanation: The musculoskeletal system is made up of the body's bones (the skeleton), muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints, and other connective tissue that supports and binds tissues and organs together.