Lactic acid produced by fermentation causes the sour taste.
17. C " TAAGCTG". It would be the replication strand because A always pairs with T and C always pairs with G, so replication strands just have the opposite base as the original strand
18. Transcription is the name given to the process in which DNA is copied to make a complementary strand of RNA. RNA then undergoes translation to make proteins. The major steps of transcription are initiation, promoter clearance, elongation, and termination.
19. Straight hair is controlled by a recessive allele because as you can see the one where is not shaded is the one that has the most. There are only 1 shaded circle or square, out of the 12 other circles or square that is not shaded. This means that it is the recessive allele because people are less prone to getting straight hair, as you can see in that diagram.
Wasn't this the same question you asked earlier?
The correct option is lamprey.
Lamprey is a kind of fish which lack jaws. They lack a true skeleton, but the cartilage is present in them. Due to lack of proper backbone, they look similar to snails. The lamprey reproduces by laying eggs in the water. Larvae tend to develop from these eggs. The lamprey releases its eggs only in freshwater. Only the mature lamprey live in the sea to act as a parasite and take food. For laying eggs, it travels to freshwater.
We breath in oxygen, and we breath out carbon dioxide. Plants breath from the sun.