def group_by_nondecreasing( *args ) :
num_list = [arg for arg in args]
sorted_numlist = sorted( num_list )
list_stream = [ sorted_numlist, sorted_numlist, sorted_numlist ]
return list_stream
This python function has the ability to accept multiple and varying amount of arguments. the list comprehension shorten the logical for statement to generate a list of numbers, sorts the list in ascending order by default and duplicates the list in another list.
The physical components that a computer is made of
as u can see these components and u can repaire these components if they got damaged
Make the zig zag part more spaced out
nonrenewable resources
There are primarily two types of resources: renewable and non-renewable. The main difference between the two is that <em>the renewable resources can be replenished</em> while<em> the non-renewable resources cannot be replenished.</em>
Examples of non-renewable resources:<u> coal, oil and natural gas.</u> These are called "fossil fuels." Although they only have a limited supply, most of our human activities are dependent on these fossil fuels, which threatens their depletion.
This can be used to capture a larger area of acceptably sharp images. This can also be referred to as a deep depth of field, and some cinematographers will simply use the term “depth” to describe shots with a large DOF. It can also be referred to as deep focus.