Port Address Translation of NAT allows several hundred workstations to access the internet with a single public internet address.
What do you mean by NAT?
Network address translation (NAT) is a method of mapping one IP address space to another by altering network address information in packet IP headers while they are being routed through a traffic routing device. When a network was moved or when the upstream Internet service provider was switched but could not route the network's address space, the technique was originally employed to avoid the requirement to assign a new address to every site.
Port Address Translation (PAT) is a Network Address Translation (NAT) extension that allows numerous LAN devices to be mapped to a single public IP address in order to save IP addresses.
To learn more about NAT
while(inFile >> intOne >> intTwo)
Options are missing but the line of code that does the illustration in the question is while(inFile >> intOne >> intTwo)
Considering two variables, intOne and intTwo
Suppose that a file location has been specified, the infile statement identifies file which could either be an external data or an in-stream data from which data should be read.
while(inFile >> intOne >> intTwo)
Declares a while loop, with the help of the inFile statement, values in the first column are entered into intOne while the second column are entered into intTwo through with the help of then input channel symbol (>>).
A game console or gaming console
Following is the program in C language :
#include <stdio.h> // header file
#define n 5 // macro
int main() main function
int a[n],k1; // variable and array declaration
printf("Enter the element:\n");
for(k1=0;k1<n;++k1) //iterating the loop
scanf("%d",&a[k1]);//Read the values by user
printf("Output in Reverse Order:\n");
for(k1=n-1;k1>=0;--k1)//iterating the loop
printf(" %d ",a[k1]); //Display the values
return 0;
Enter the element:
Output in Reverse Order: 89 67 45 3 4
Following is the description of the program
- Define a macro "n" with value 5 after the header file.
- Declared an array "a" and defined the size of that array by macro i.e "n".
- Read the value by the user by using scanf statement in the array "a"
- Finally In the last for loop display the values of array "a" by space.