Two psychical signs are:
• Asking to go to the bathroom always after a meal
• bad breath/lots of cavities
The normal force(the force pushing up from a flat surface) is equal to the force of gravity (the force pushing down on the object) at 5N so they cancel each other out. The other two forces are going in opposite directions, one positive and one negative. Subtracting 10N-5N would give you the amount of force that is not canceled (5N) in the direction of the biggest force (to the left)
The most common site are the skin overlying the sacrum, coccyx, heels or the hips, but other site such as the elbows,knees, ankles or the back of the cranium can be affected.
Oxygen Consumption-the amount of oxygen the muscles in the body need in order to produce energy for movement. During aerobic respiration oxygen is required to produce ATP from glucose.