Some new fads, inventions, and products that hit America in 1920's were..
selective attention is very important because something so serious like that injury, when brushed off can spread and cause more damage and issues to your body mentally or physically. he should have payed more attention, because he would have noticed the injury and got it dealt with rather than brushing it off and continuing. the pain became worse as he put more pressure on it
Sometimes the programs shown television or the movies depict
certain lifestyles that may impact our views on life. Sometimes the influence is so strong that we
tend to imitate what we see from them. This shows how great the influence of
media has in our lives.
Yes, that's possible.
Happened in both the 2000 election and the 2016 election, where both times, the Democratic candidate had the popular vote, but lost the EC vote.
Whether or not it's fair is up to who you ask. Conservatives believe it's fair because the EC gives more representation to the smaller states, while Democrats believe it's unfair because people who vote against the majority in the state are not represented and because it has an inaccurate representation of the population of the United States.
They grow tea, coconuts, and rubber on those plantations.