OE A healthy diet that focuses on eating real Whole Foods and eliminating processed foods
1. I will first Identify the claim. The claim is sometimes stated in a very general way, then elaborated on throughout the essay.
2. I will next examine the claim for qualifiers; words like "some," "many," "most of the time," etc. It can sometimes be damaging to an argument to omit qualifiers, particularly if there are also no exceptions provided. It is up to you as a reader to determine whether the writer's unqualified claim is damaging to this particular argument.
3. I will then examine the claim for an exception. After looking for qualifying words in the claim, the next step is to determine what the writer considers to be the situations in which the writer's claim doesn't apply. In other words, it is necessary to identify any exceptions the writer makes to her claim.
So people dont invade our country's you know like in ancient greece
Well where’s the sentence
Hercule Poirot returns home after an agreeable luncheon to find an angry woman waiting to berate him outside his front door. Her name is Sylvia Rule, and she demands to know why Poirot has accused her of the murder of Barnabas Pandy, a man she has neither heard of nor ever met.. She is furious to be so accused, and deeply shocked. Poirot is equally shocked, because he too has never heard of any Barnabas Pandy, and he certainly did not send the letter in question. He cannot convince Sylvia Rule of his innocence, however, and she marches away in a rage.Shaken, Poirot goes inside, only to find that he has a visitor waiting for him a man called John McCrodden who also claims also to have received a letter from Poirot that morning, accusing him of the murder of Barnabas Pandy.