the pronouncement of the letters are different in Spanish w×wwwwydhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdb dhdbd d d d d d d d d d d d d
- tengo un bate: Juega Béisbol
- No tengo un balón: Juega i don't know any sport dont need a ball
- tengo una raqueta: Juega Tenis
- Tengo una pelota: Juega futbol
- No tengo una bola: the same as 2
I don't understand why they say that Balón was different than Pelota or Bola. IT'S THE SAME THING my first lenguage is spanish
Answer: the first one I would say is C) largo and the second one I would say is B) Larga
Explanation: The first one would be C because the tongue is largo which means long. and the second one would be B because the legs are larga, which means long.