The time series pattern that reflects a gradual shift or movement to a relatively higher or lower level over a longer time period is called the <u>trend</u>.
I hope this helps, L.E.
In the given scenario above, it is seen that is considered to be a fiduciary relationship. So, meaning to say, a fiduciary relationship such as the scenario that is given above needs a high degree of trust and for the people involve to be confident. It is because a fiduciary relationship is a relationship that involves trust to another people or party and it involves about assets and money which is portrayed above.
This usually indicates the presence of bile. Hope this helps.
The British tried to keep settlers off of the Indian Lands. They respected the land west of the Appalacians as the Native Americans land. After the Treaty of Paris the Revolutionary War ended between the USA and Britain the west was opened up. Great Britain abandoned the claims to the trans-Appalachian region. The Native American nations were left to take "care" of their neighbors.
Mariana islands and Germany and the us won