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A) it is mentioned that 1 cup of water was added to each column which shows that the amount of water added to eahc column was constant, or the same
B) it is mentioned that the cylinder contained equal volumes of different sized particles, which means volume fo particles is constant as there are equal volumes
C) It is also reasonable to assume that the columns are identical as its not mentioned that they weren't, thus makking this variable constant
D) It is mentioned that small particles of marble and large particles of granite were used, this is the independent variable or the variable we change to look at the different reactions, since there re 2 different substances(marble and granite) being used the type of substance is NOT constant
I think it's because Georgia's western boundary was pushed all the way to the Mississippi River.
Because there's a balance between buyers and sellers, economics provides a massive average of what anything that can be bought and sold is worth to the buyer, and what is acceptable to the seller.
This is determined not by the commodity itself, but by the average the currency used by all the population involved.