Pompeii was known from early historical times from the writing of Pliny the Younger, an eye witness to the eruption. Although there was some knowledge of the site from 1599 its magnitude was better understood from 1748.
There has been debate as to the foundation of the settlement patterns. We show that Maya settlement locations were strongly influenced by environmental factors, primarily topographic slope, soil fertility, and soil drainage properties.
The political turmoil brought on by the Nullification Crisis inspired John C. Calhoun to become an early leader of the Whig Party
John Caldwell Calhoun was a politician who is known to also be a theorist in politics. An American statesman from South Carolina who was instrumental and active in the running of the government in the 1820s
As a leading figure and among the proponents who champion the Nullification rights, Calhoun statesman activities in putting the government to check also include the states' rights and the opposition to the high tariff.
Calhoun being a leader at early stage with the Whig Party was as a result of his resolve in seeing to light the Nullification act against the federal tariff hike being rejected by the South Carolina and because his views tally with the Whig Party, He became an early leader even though he did not participate fully with them.
Answer:But, ardent New Dealer though Johnson may have been, he realized that the 1960s were dramatically different from the 1930s. If the New Deal was about security and disengagement from the labor force through such devices as retirement pensions, unemployment compensation, and pensions for the worthy poor, the Great Society, in contrast, was about opportunity and labor force participation
Some define a trapezoid as a quadrilateral having only one pair of parallel sides (the exclusive definition), thereby excluding parallelograms. ... Under the inclusive definition, all parallelograms (including rhombuses, rectangles and squares) are trapezoids.