Alright, lets get started.
Justin is asked to solve the linear equations using elimination method.
By using elimination method means we have to multiply some numbers in our given equations in such a way that the co-efficient of x or y become same in both equations so that we could add or subtract them to cancel one of the term either x or y.
So, given equations are :

See we have 5x in first equation and -20x in second equation.
So, we try to change 5x into 20 x by multiplying it with 4, both of the equations will have 20 x in common
Lets multiply 4 in first equation

Now both equations could be added and 20 x will be cancelled out and we could easily find the value of y then solve for x.
So, Justin should try to change 5 so that it will be cancels, so option B : Answer
Hope it will help :)
y = -1x -3
Step-by-step explanation:
The percent is 26%
Step-by-step explanation:
189 divided by 150 is 1.26 but since the original price is $150 the percent is 100% and 189 is 126% so the percent difference is 26%.
In chess, the Endgame is where you sacrafice pawns, or in this case, minor characters in order to get a powerful piece back. You can leave some pawns in battle while regaining power pieces. The pawns sacraficed were Peter, Stephen, Bucky, Drax, T'challa. Mantis, etc. While leaving behind two pawns: Nebula, and Bruce Banner. Normally I like to think of the Hulk as a Rook, but since he's completely useless at the moment, he's a pawn. Nebula's fairly worthless, so she's a pawn. Thanos is playing with all power pieces and one pawn: Gamora. He sacraficed his pawn in order to complete his queen equivilence: the gauntlet. Now he's playing with all power pieces, while the Avenger's have sacraficed their pawns in order to get their queen: Captain Marvel, who in turn will wage war on Thanos only to find that a pawn has made it across the board and turned into the Hulk, and fights side by side the original Avengers to get the soul stone, revive Tony, who probably dies, get their friends home, welcome new friends, and kill Thanos.
Sorry about the rambling. I'm not even sure if I got to the point.
Irratonal numbers can't be written as a/b where a and b are integers and b≠0
so if it can be written in form a/b then it is not irrational

, it's rational
1/5 is rational

it's irrational because we can't simplify the square root further
6.3=6.3/1=63/100, rationanl
answer is

is irrational