Statements that are true are:
Arthritis and Alzheimer's are degenerative diseases (1).
Sunburn is a disease due to physical or environmental agents (4).
1. <u>Arthritis </u>is a degenerative joint process produced by inflammatory processes of various causes. It can be rheumatoid arthritis, produced by autoimmune disease or infectious arthritis due to the action of bacteria in the joint. The consequence of arthritis is osteoarthritis, or degeneration of joint cartilage.
The <u>Alzhaimer's disease</u> is a degenerative process of the nervous tissue, of uncertain cause, and characterized to affect the superior cerebral functions, mainly memory and personality.
4. <u>Sunburns</u> on the skin are produced by the action of the sun's rays, a physical agent related to the environment. The severity of sunburn will depend on the type of skin and the time of exposure to the sun's rays without protection for the skin.
The other options are not correct because:
<em> 2. Lymphomas are a variety of neoplasia that manifests itself in organs and lymphatic structures, and is not considered a contagious disease.</em>
<em> 3. </em><u><em>Arteriosclerosis </em></u><em>is an acquired disease, depending on lifestyle and risk factors, so it is not considered a congenital disease.</em>