I believe the answer is: Cyclones.
Cyclones happen when a mass of air rotates on strong center within the low atmospheric pressure.
This mass of air is often accompanied by thunderstorms and could be originated from both tropical or subtropical waters.
Harkhuf in his collection of memoirs portrays four undertakings into Nubia. In the first place, he composes that Pharaoh his ruler sent him together with his dad to Nubia to open the path to that nation and when he returned he brought many blessings from that point. He went a moment on numerous occasions returned with blessings, the third time he returned with three hundred conveying a ton of presents and in conclusion, was the letter from Pharaoh which affirmed that to be sure Harkhuf had been to Nubia and had carried with him a dwarf of the god's moves from Nubia.
Due to the external atmospheric pressure. Initially the pressure inside the can is balanced by the atmospheric pressure. But as the air is removed from inside, the external pressure dominates.
Pentateuch means simply "five books". In Greek, the Pentateuch (which Jews call the Torah) includes the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
I believe the answer is: <span>through human interest stories in the media
The media could adjust the way they provide information to appeal only to a certain group of people.
When these people learnt that a certain candidate is being praised for his/her character by the media, that chance that the candidate would be chosen would be increased dramatically.</span><span />