<u>A projectile is launched from the top of a 15 m tall building at a speed of 25ms at an angle of 50° above the horizontal. The horizontal distance from the base of the building to where the projectile lands is most nearly</u>
north vietnam won and US soldiers came back in shame because they fled the country
Answer:The Drive-Reduction Theory
The Drive-Reduction Theory, a principle first proposed by the psychologist Clark Hull in 1943 to explain the situations under which learning can take place
It describes an organism's reaction to a situation where his physical needs are questioned or challenged. Such organism can develop new responses when it is motivated by a need and strives to meets that need. In a nutshell, it means that Learning depends on how an organism alleviates or satisfies it's drive;for example Lara knows to get a glass of water because she gets the feeling of being thirsty which motivates her to reduce her thirst by drinking water- An example of drive reduction theory.
According to this theory, there are physiological needs (in this case water), that occurs in an organism that creates an unrest( need for water) and motivates the organism to satisfy the need to reduce such disturbances. (ie to drink water).
In psychology and medicine, a reflex is a muscle reaction that happens in an automatic way as a response to an stimuli.
Babies are born with some reflexes (as some kind of survival skills) and they start disappearing as they grow older. It is important to know the typical age for a reflex to disappear because the fact that some reflexes persists after some age can be a sign of problems in the neurological development or brain damage.
One of these infant reflexes is the one that make infants move their arms and legs in swimming movements when submerge in the water.
In this example, Jayden <u>instinctively</u> held his breath and moved his arms and legs in swimming movements when she was dropped in one end of the pool. This was an <u>automatic reaction that took place as a response to water. Therefore, this is an example of a </u><u>reflex</u><u>. </u>
Answer: There are 5 categories/classifications of musical instruments according to Sachs Horn Bostel.
These include the following:
Electrophones, membranophones, idiphones, chordophones and electrophones.
Examples of each the above classifications are:
Chordophones: guitar and harp
Aerophones: Saxophone, flute and trumpet.
Membranophones: include vibration instruments like violin, guitar can as well fall in this category.
Electrophones: these include electronic organ
Idiphones: these may include bells, cymbals and xylophones.