Though I don’t think there is a definite answer for this but for me personally I believe that the chicken eggs comes before the chicken.
Just like how there’s no caterpillar there wouldn’t be butterfly. Or how human transform from monkey. Without egg there will be no chicken although the same thing can be said vice versus however, just like how the theory that human comes from apes (monkey) there could be possibility that chicken had also gone through some transformation of its own. In this case, egg has more possibilities because there are quite a lot of animal that produces egg including ducks, birds and more. And therefore creating a new species call “Chicken”. This is just a personal thought.
C.) 20th Century dictator of SPAIN
A. served in the military and worked in war production
According to Wikipedia, as many as 25,000 Native Americans in World War II fought actively: 21,767 in the Army, 1,910 in the Navy, 874 in the Marines, 121 in the Coast Guard, and several hundred Native American women as nurses.
Serving in the military and involvement in war was a common practice by the Native Americans during that period.
A poll tax was imposed on voters. I have found the poll tax receipt my mother paid back in the 1960s. Poor people could not afford to pay a tax to vote, because their income was so low.
The Bill of Rights is the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. It spells out Americans' rights in relation to their government. It guarantees civil rights and liberties to the individual—like freedom of speech, press, and religion.