Hi. Even though you submitted a text, you did not submit any questions related to it. This makes it impossible for me to give you an answer. However, to try to help you, I will show you the meaning of this text and I hope it will be useful for you.
The text presented shows the narrator's revolt against the creation and transmission of fake news, which can harm society in a very intense way. In this text, the author shows that the people who create these fake news weaken the efforts of science and the progress of humanity, as well as the protection of individuals. For the author, the creation of fake news is a crime and the people who participate in it must be punished heavily and that punishment cannot take a long time. This can be seen when the author introduces Guo Wengui and Yan Limeng, who created many fake news about the coronavirus and greatly harmed the fight against the disease.
(b) By function and product departmentalization bases are likely being used at hp.
- Organizing activities into departments is a component of departmentalizing. The division of labor creates specialists, who need coordination. This coordination is made simpler by the division of professionals into departments.
- Employees are divided into groups or departments by a system of rules known as departmentalization in an organizational structure. These divisions work together to fulfill duties as instructed by their own leadership. On large or complicated projects, different departments might work together.
- HP has a decentralized organizational structure, which allows top management to concentrate more on big choices by giving intermediate and lower-level managers within the organization responsibility for daily operations and decision-making.
To know more about departmentalization visit:
Religious education is important because it equips students with cultural, social, moral and spiritual knowledge that aids in mental and physical development within society. The lessons learned in religious education prepare students for responsibilities, experiences and opportunities later in life.
The relationship between the level of religiosity and the level of education has been studied since the second half of the 20th century.
The parameters of the two components are diverse: the "level of religiosity" remains a concept which is difficult to differentiate scientifically, while the "level of education" is easier to compile, such as official data on this topic, because data on education is publicly accessible in many countries.
Different studies lead to contrasting conclusions regarding the relationship, depending on whether "religiosity" is measured by religious practices (attendance at places of worship, for example) or specific religious beliefs (belief in miracles, for example), with notable differences between nations. For example, one international study states that in some Western nations the intensity of beliefs decreases with education, but attendance and religious practice increases.[1] Other studies indicate that the religious have higher education than the non-religious.[2] Other studies find that the positive correlation with low or non religiosity and education has been reversed in the past few decades.[3][4]
In terms of university professors, one study concluded that in the US, the majority of professors, even at "elite" universities, were religious.[5]
it is used as a pathway that vehicles can use to reach their destination efficiently.
Land Vehicles can still move without roads, but roads provide an ideal surface and spacing that accommodate a lot of vehicles to move at the same time without being stucked or collided with one another.
Canals have similar function with this, but it is designed specifically to accommodate water vehicles (boats or ships). We rarely see canals in Untied States. But cities like Venice in Italy implemented canals really well.